

Sunday, April 6, 2008

My Disappearing Booklist

I have said before that I didn't feel like my blog has a purpose. I just can't get excited about maintaining an ongoing "virtual visiting teaching visit" --sorry if that reference offends anyone. My personality (red/blue, Choleric/Melancholy, INTJ, depending which personality classification system you prefer) requires me to always have a purpose of some sort, and so I am looking to do something with this blog to develop a purpose.

So I looked at what I liked best about it, and my hands-down favorite feature was my book list. I love to read, and I like watching the list of links grow as I revisit many of my childhood-favorite reads. Often, as I finish a book, I have thought of adding a quick opinion or perhaps just a synopsis of the story, but either time has never permitted or it didn't seem like the right place for that. Well, I decided that it was time to make a place for it, so I created a new blog: called The Fiction Room. There I will be writing a quick blurb about each book as I read it. I think I will also need to start something similar for the infrequent, but important, selection of business books I pick up. At the very least I will split them up in some way. I would generalize it to The Reading Room, but some smart soul already took that one. While there is a link on this side, you won't see a link back from that site to this one. I have decided to try to keep this one a little more anonymous.

Anyway, that is why my book list is gone and you can click through the link to the right or in this post to see the new site, although I am not under any illusion that anyone found my list interesting besides me. As usual, my initial review happened after midnight, so the quality is not what I would like, but it is a start.

The new site also represents my first attempt at affiliated marketing. Allowing people to purchase books through my site, especially those I read and discuss seems like a good time to try it out. We will see how it goes.

That leaves one large problem: the gaping hole on the side of my blog. I love lists, so it has to be a list. Probably my next favorite list outside of my book list is my Birthday/Christmas list. Ever since I was little I have made extensive lists of wants, and I have found that the fun is in the list. I rarely get anything on my list, but year by year that concerns me less and less for some reason. I just like to keep the list up. I figure that since my birthday just passed, now is a socially acceptable time to post it. Posting a list before my birthday would be construed as a bit materialistic I think.

So there it is. All open to comment and ridicule as always.


  1. I just read Heather's blog. Poor Logan, hope he heals ok. How are things at work lately? Still looking? What was this about a car fire?

  2. So aren't there blogging rules, like you can't comment on a topic introduced in someone else's blog? Just kdding. Logan is up and chipper and one-armed. The car fire story probably deserves its own posting. Work . . . well we should take that up via email. :)

  3. no way tony, the rule is you can talk about anything you want to, even if it was on someone else's blog. that's why they are so fun. tell us the car fire story, i want all the nitty gritty details!!
