This is another shot of my ferris wheel. It is mine because I can see it out of my window. It is a ferris wheel because it is big and round and people can ride on it.

There is a 5 story mall with a 20 story hotel on top of it next to my hotel. It also has a train station under it (these people are great at multi-tasking apparently!) This is a sign in the mall to tell you stuff. The places it pointed to sounded snazzy, but my picture isn't big enough (on my blog anyway) to see what it says, so just make something up that sounds Japanese when you look at it and you will understand why it is cool.

This was next to a marble fountain. I couldn't help myself.

I think they just want me to be excited for the new store. I wonder if Golem knows about this one?
Ok, enough of this sillyness! I need sleep!
Well, if Smeagal knew about it, the sign would actually read: go away and never come back.