

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I'm Lucky

OK, so first click play above. I'm not a fan of music always playing on blogs,so I am making you click on it. Now, I have to dedicate this song to my wife of almost 11 years (wow I am old:) I am missing her terribly right now, and when I heard this song I wanted nothing more than for her to hear it too, even though it isn't a new song.

I just wanted to tell everyone that I am a very lucky man. I have a beautiful wife who takes care of our kids and best of all, takes care of me. She is creative and talented and people like to be around her. She makes friends easily and misses her old friends terribly when we are scattered by time and trials. When I get stressed out or otherwise harried by this existence we call life, she is always there to rub my back, say nice things to me and make me some cookies (yum). She endures the hard times with me and we celebrate the good times together when they come. Our kids love their mom more than anybody, and she loves them right back, in a way that I don't think anyone else on earth could. She is irreplaceable.

Yes, I love her dearly, and I have loved her ever since I met her. When we were dating I used to write her all kinds of notes and cards, and there have probably been too few of those since we started our family, but I am saying it here, right out in front of the whole entire everybody (OK, I think there are only like 3 people who read my blog, but it is the idea that counts)

Thanks for being my best friend and most of all, I love you.

I'm lucky that you chose me.


  1. Thank you Anthony. You made me cry. I am missing you horribly right now too. I can't wait to see you on Friday. Atleast I hope that is when I will get to see you.

  2. I couldn't get it to log me in, weird, but it is me your wife.

  3. aw, how sweet. it's nice to see a couple that actually like each other still!! i thought nate and i were the only ones left! :)
