

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Do you fear the Googleplex?

So you have to read this article about Google's rise to domination.

I think they really hit the nail on the head. We are head to a web-centric world, and Google is at the wheel with the accelerator slammed against the floor. And what are to do about it? What can we do? For me personally, so far I have embraced it.

Why would I do that? Google's products are free and meet my needs. It is that simple, and isn't that what we all dreamed of for the Internet from day one? Free tools to make our lives easier and our businesses cheaper to run? What I don't think anyone envisioned was one massive for-profit company out there making it all happen under one roof.

I admit that is a little scary, but I have a growing number of google docs, I love my iGoogle page and I will admit that Msoft and friends don't find what I want to find on the Internet anywhere near as well as the big G.

So what are your thoughts? Should we start fighting this teenage giant now before it grows up and squashes us all? Or should we blissfully kiss Microsoft goodbye and cling to our new Big Brother?


  1. I just wish that they would drop their "Dont be evil" bull. They have made abundantly clear that money means more than ethical purity. I can deal with companies that have ethical lapses. I expect it. I dont like hypocrits, unless its me.

  2. I totally agree. If you are out to dominate the market, just say it. If you plan on ruling the world, say it. Don't hide behind poor attempts to claim the moral high ground.
