

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Your chance to influence an Undecided vote in the next election . . .

--OK, so the political discussion has continued outside of the blog via email, and once again I am going to try to merge them. I am interested in getting lots of varied input, so we will see how this goes. Here is my most recent email response.

So I have to admit that I don't feel like anyone has answered the real question here. I agree that politics have changed over the last 20 years, and even more so in the last 100 years, but I wonder if the situation has changed and rather than address the change we are just making up reasons to avoid change.

So to avoid ambiguity, I will restate one of my main questions:

How is it OK to vote for someone who doesn't share your values, therefore not representing your interests?

More of my thoughts to flesh out the question:

Isn't that the basis of democracy? Are we really "participating" in democracy when we vote for one of two options even though we don't believe either represents our interests? What if there is a conspiracy out there, and they own both candidates? Are you going to feel good when you leave the polls having just put your vote with the "less evil" candidate? To use a sports analogy, in the end it doesn't matter if you lose by 2 points or 20 points, either way you lose. Pres. Bush isn't a hero right now, and Dad mentions some questionable ties in his background, (which I heard about during the last race btw), but I certainly don't think things would have been any better had Gore won the last go-round. In short, we were all hosed before the election even happened, many people knew we were hosed, but our current form of democracy didn't offer us any solution to the problem. I think we are in the same boat this time. Being in the most conservative state in the nation, you think I would have heard good things about McCain during the primaries, but I did not hear one positive thing about him at that point in time. And now all of those critics are telling me to vote for him, making them hypocrites in my mind.

Now for my opinion (OK, this is all my opinion, but I wanted a new section):

I think we need to change as a nation to survive as a democracy. We may call it a democracy, but names change. Isn't it true that the "democrats" used to be the conservative party? I think the bad guys, whoever they are, are changing the definition of democracy in this country. They can use the same words, the same rallying cries that our predecessors used, but be supporting completely different ideals.

The current voting scenario is like going to Walmart. You only have two options on most products: The leading name brand for that product and the store brand. We need to either change our parties to make sure that we are getting a choice that we want to vote for or we need to change the system.

My solution:

I don't have one. I would like to develop a solution that at least gives me a direction on voting day, but I'm not there yet. So what do I do? First, I abstain. I am not convinced that voting for the sake of voting isn't doing more harm than good, so unless I have a specific candidate I believe in, voting day is just like any other day. Second, I keep bringing this discussion up with anyone who will discuss it with me. I annoy family members with active discussion. Whatever it takes. What I don't do: Listen to Rush. If there is a world-wide conspiracy that owns presidential candidates, financial institutions, etc., then I certainly am not going to get out from under their umbrella by listening to a nationally syndicated radio personality. Especially one that is voting for McCain (ie, not fixing the problem I see in the system). Just to be fair I just visited [Limbaugh's] website and it is so full of one-sided spin that it is comical. I got nothing of value. I might as well listen to all of the democrats on NPR (our buddy Garrison Keillor, Wait Wait Don't Tell Me, etc.)

Opening the floor . . .

So here is your chance to influence my political views. Go ahead, let me have it. Tell me why I am crazy, wrong, stubborn, or whatever. I'm not saying I will agree, but I am listening:)


  1. I'll have to make sure and tell Dennis to read this and I'm sure he would have some sort of comment. My reply is........Everything is going down hill...we should all watch "leave it to Beaver" more often and "The Andy Griffeth show"...everyone will be struck by lightening if they don't straighten up.

  2. Suzy, I right there with you. Its all going to hell in a hand basket and there is not a whole lot anyone of us can do. Or collectivly.

  3. reading your comments about the lesser of 2 evils Im brought back to BoM Days when most of the Nephite civilization was destroyed. Those who lived were told they were spared because they were "more righteous" than the totally wicked. These people were then beckoned by the Lord to repent and turn to him. They did and enjoyed a period of peace unprecedented int his day and age. I think that picking a candidate in times when political corruption is rampant is truly about picking the candidate who is "more righteous" than the other. This involves LOTS of prayer. You are forgetting that the Lord runs this country, and he knows which candidate will serve His purposes best. If you truly believe that the constitution was inspired by God, that this country was set up to be free, then it follows to some degree that the 2 party system was intentional to some degree as well. It is not our responsibility to chose who to vote for on our own. Rather it is our responsibility to ponder it, come to a decision and then take it to the Lord. After so many fought and died to give you the right to vote, do you not owe them and their sacrifice its due justice by doing all you can to make sure you do vote. Abstaining justifies nothing but your own you Tony

  4. Anything that involves human beings is inherantly messy because it is influenced by every bias, prejudice, ignorance, and experience that people have. Since we cant force anyone to govern us, we are left with those who want to govern us. Some do so out of a sincere wish to ensure good government in so far as imperfect people can produce it. Too may are busybodies who just want the power. Requiring perfection or anything close to it, would require you to give up the right to ever have a say in political matters. If you truly cannot see a difference in the candidates, or cannot say that one is sufficiently better than the other to be acceptable, then find someone you can write in. Of course he wont win, but none of the above is always an option, as long as you understand that one of the above will win. When you see yourself in a no-win situation, then the important question becomes how you lose. For some distantly related commentary on this topic try this. Its a long read, but there are some gems in it.
